"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets." Nido Qubein

"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone elses plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." Jim Rohn

Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Where Did The Time Go"

I did survive my 60th birthday much to my confusion and disbelief.

Looking back at my childhood, my teen years, and my adult years have helped me figure out where much of the time was used and helped me decide what to do with the next 47. Yes, 107!

I have discovered that we are all basically yummy "Milk Shakes". Take 1 part childhood, 1 part teenager, and 1 part adult. Shake (do not stir) well in order to combine all the ingredients, and voila! It's YOU! No one else with similar backgrounds. JUST YOU!

Another thing I've seen is those children and teenagers are still alive and well inside all of us. I have a new acquaintance. I know he was a genius when he was younger. Now I read or hear things that he is planning and I think, "How old and what year do you think this is?" Then it hit me, and I looked at him with new eyes. I thought of both photos of him. The one when he was 20 years old smiling excitedly, and the one of him now. The 20 year old is still there. He just looks a little different! Now, I get it. MILKSHAKES! All parts are mixed together, but each part is still there in it's original form.

My plans for the next 47 years? Not to waste one minute or idea. I'm a big girl now, and only have myself to answer to. I am really tired of the expression "bucket list", but whatever you want to call it make one and stick to it.

I wish all my fellow classmates of 1968 a very healthy and happy 60th birthday. My best advise to all of you is...Do not sit down or still!


The Adult Years

22 days and counting.

Revelation...I think I am starting to see where most of my life went.

Two weeks before I turned 21 I got married. Had my first of 3 daughters three years later, and pretty much the rest is history. I spent the next 33 years dedicating all my time to my children and husbands.  Yes, I said husbands. I've married and divorced 3 times. Sure did not expect that when I was growing up and making plans for my life.

I have driven gillions of miles to school, ballet lessons, t-ball games, soccer, music lessons, cheer leading practices, pageants, swimming lessons, doctor's appointments, etc. I have been PTA President, Cheer Club President, Cheer publicity, T-Ball coach, dress designer, stage designer, cook, maid, gardener, chauffeur, nurse, hand holder, adviser, psychiatrist, etc. I worked outside the home some, but very little compared to the time taking care of my family.

Now let's see. Hum...I don't see me in there for 33 years. I am honestly not complaining. I loved being a mom! It was the best job I could ever imagine. I loved my time with my 3 daughters, and miss them being little and at home. However, I did not do one thing during those years for my personal growth. It's a blur...a whirl wind of time. It was wonderful, but now for some "ME" time.

I've been working full time and more for 8 years. Have loved most of it, but my real love is my art and design. I started making memory crosses which I love. I get to use my imagination on every one I make. I began painting again. I can spend hours on both and never get bored. They even sell which is an added bonus. I am loving my freedom.

I guess the moral of the story is enjoy every minute of life that you have. Most importantly do not lose yourself in the mix. Time goes faster than our little minds can imagine, so we had better make the most of every day. Give of yourself with joy, but save some for you.


The Teen Years

33 days and counting until I turn 60 years old. Last blog I was recounting a tiny part of my childhood in Greenville.

Big "D"...the land of milk and honey. This was exactly what I thought just one week after moving to Dallas. I thought my parents had destroyed my life moving me from Greenville to Dallas just as I was about to start the 9th grade. I got to Dallas, looked at all the beautiful homes, grand cars, huge buildings, and super cute boys (not that there weren't cute boys in Greenville) and BAM! Within the first few months of 1964 in Dallas Georgiana and I went to see the Beatles!

Ursuline Academy...all girls Catholic College Prep school. Oh my goodness. WHERE AM I? Could not wear make-up. Could not dye my hair (it was actually dyed when I got there). Skirts had to touch the floor when you knelt. Classes harder than I could imagine. Latin? What was I going to use that for? All the teachers were Nuns, but I really liked all of them. I made it through Freshman year, but begged my parents to go back to public school.

W.T. White High School. Now this was more like it! Back to being a normal girl.

High school was so much fun for me. I loved every minute of it. Cruising Forest Lane, Cruising White Rock Lake, Brookhaven Country Club, Green Valley Raceway, The Studio Club, Lou Ann's, Sump-N-Else (Dallas' version of American Band Stand), going to Bachman Lake-climbing the back side to the runway of Love Field-lay down just in front of the runway and stay there while the planes came in just over us for a landing, Goff's Hamburgers, Jack N The Box, the Gemini Drive-In, Jefferson Hotel Ballroom parties, Market Hall, Turner Falls, Jesuit Boys, W.T. White boys, Dougherty's, Cobbs, riding the bus to Texas A & M with Julie, being one of the few girls to jump off the RR tressle at Lake Dallas, The Novas, The Sensations, Junior Symphony Ball, Groovy, black light posters, psychedelic music, tons and tons of concerts, mini skirts, the gator and the dead rat, Bat Man, and taking my SAT with a hang over (ok, not so smart). I had a care free blast in high school and am glad I did. Adulthood can be really long, and it's not like you can go back and be totally care free again.

I'm trying to divide my life into 4 parts. Childhood, teen years, adulthood, and middle age. Maybe if I do this when my 60th gets here I'll be ready. It has gone by so fast I feel I need to go back and add everything up to figure out where it went.

Those of you who have already turned 60 how did you deal, or did you just slide right into it with out any back look or problem?


My Childhood

Well here I am, and how did I get here? Is anyone other than me having trouble trying to figure how it is possible to be turning 60? I am trying to prepare myself.

I know it was just yesterday my daddy was picking me up from Mrs. Mackelree and Harrison's Kindergarten in his red convertible Studebaker. Daddy would put the top down. Cathlene Barlow and I would sit on the back and drive away waving at everyone playing like we were beauty queens in a parade.

I loved my childhood in Greenville...stunt flying with my dad and spending time with him at the private airport, Sand Oaks Country Club, Lamar Elementary, my "Ponytail" zipper notebook, the Golden Gloves every year with my dad starting in kindergarten, the skating rink, the YMCA, Queen Ann's, The Texas Theater, playing Cowboys and Indians with my cousin Harry, Star Dusters, Woolworth 5 and 10, Limeades at the drug store, the antique store by the rail road tracks, Saint William's and Vacation Bible School. Betty Hogue's Dance Studio, El Sombrero's, Sabine Valley, Club Lake, the Park with the big slide and gorilla, trying to catch ground squirrels in the cemetery, trick or treating on Park Street and all the old spooky houses, and the wonderful Christmas Parades with Santa at the end throwing candy!

We lived in the Victorian Style John Boles family home. My neighborhood...Mrs. Phafel in her wonderful Victorian, Park Street, the Ramsey's basement, Mrs. Brook's gold fish pond, Mrs. Decker, Mrs. Baker, climbing trees and fences with Billy Ray Hoff, Jr, Mr. Terry and piano lessons, the Henley's, Cathlene Webster, Forrest Parker, the lady across from Lamar Elem. with the monkeys, the Lockheart's and their Indian performances, Mr. Green's corner store and fudge cycles, the National Guard driving down Park Street in the military vehicles, rolling down the hill in a barrel at DeDe and Carol McClain's, riding my bike and roller skating round and round the block, and my going away party at Brenda Reeves' home.

It would take a book to tell all the stories behind the names and places of my childhood, but they all have one!

Enough for now...Next blog I will hit some highlights of time in Dallas starting in 1964.
