Talk about a small world. I have been emailing back and forth with my cousin. I told him I was going to Costa Rica and would be on a retirement tour. He emailed me back and said, "Not George Lundquist? My wife and I have been thinking about going there and taking his tour." I was so excited. The word is every where about George's tour. Also, as it turns out his brother, my cousin, had gone to Costa Rica and visited with George, but not actually taken the tour. Maybe there will be a whole colony of us living in Costa Rica!
The Costa Rican Government is very careful to protect it's citizens ability to earn a living. Anyone can move to Costa Rica, but no one that is not a citizen can work for a company there. They do not want people moving in and taking jobs away for their citizens. You can however open your own business. George opened his retirement tour business there. For this reason, I am taking the online English teaching course by TESOL Express, so I can tutor to make extra money. If I can find a need when I get there that matches skills I have I'd love to start a business. I have owned 2 of my own businesses in my life time, so it would not be something completely new for me.