"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets." Nido Qubein

"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone elses plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." Jim Rohn

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Childhood

Well here I am, and how did I get here? Is anyone other than me having trouble trying to figure how it is possible to be turning 60? I am trying to prepare myself.

I know it was just yesterday my daddy was picking me up from Mrs. Mackelree and Harrison's Kindergarten in his red convertible Studebaker. Daddy would put the top down. Cathlene Barlow and I would sit on the back and drive away waving at everyone playing like we were beauty queens in a parade.

I loved my childhood in Greenville...stunt flying with my dad and spending time with him at the private airport, Sand Oaks Country Club, Lamar Elementary, my "Ponytail" zipper notebook, the Golden Gloves every year with my dad starting in kindergarten, the skating rink, the YMCA, Queen Ann's, The Texas Theater, playing Cowboys and Indians with my cousin Harry, Star Dusters, Woolworth 5 and 10, Limeades at the drug store, the antique store by the rail road tracks, Saint William's and Vacation Bible School. Betty Hogue's Dance Studio, El Sombrero's, Sabine Valley, Club Lake, the Park with the big slide and gorilla, trying to catch ground squirrels in the cemetery, trick or treating on Park Street and all the old spooky houses, and the wonderful Christmas Parades with Santa at the end throwing candy!

We lived in the Victorian Style John Boles family home. My neighborhood...Mrs. Phafel in her wonderful Victorian, Park Street, the Ramsey's basement, Mrs. Brook's gold fish pond, Mrs. Decker, Mrs. Baker, climbing trees and fences with Billy Ray Hoff, Jr, Mr. Terry and piano lessons, the Henley's, Cathlene Webster, Forrest Parker, the lady across from Lamar Elem. with the monkeys, the Lockheart's and their Indian performances, Mr. Green's corner store and fudge cycles, the National Guard driving down Park Street in the military vehicles, rolling down the hill in a barrel at DeDe and Carol McClain's, riding my bike and roller skating round and round the block, and my going away party at Brenda Reeves' home.

It would take a book to tell all the stories behind the names and places of my childhood, but they all have one!

Enough for now...Next blog I will hit some highlights of time in Dallas starting in 1964.
